Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fire Rhythm

Inspired revival.  Inspirational fire. 

Don’t let one persons smoke become your choke. 

Keep your flame burning bright with the breath of the Holy One… the Only One.

Trust in God, not in man. 

A man is always gona let you down.  God is always gona have the Crown.

Although the darkness comes in- do not let your eyes go blind. 

Do not let your evil desires melt into the night.

Although the enemy comes in like a flood- the Holy Spirit raises the standard.

Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.  The author and perfector of your faith.

When you let Jesus in- He not only saves your soul, but starts to break the hard walls you have built.

Let Jesus in today.  Today is the day of salvation.  Yesterday is gone. 

Tomorrow takes too long to get here.  If it even comes.

Don't be scared when your walls start to fall... for it is only in the destruction of yourself- that the creation of your destiny becomes reality.

It's happening.  The transformation biology.  The end of you- the start of LIFE.

Just take it from me.  An ex heroin, crack addict... and ex criminal and mentally ill lost girl. 

A real live miracle is staring you in the face.  Rise up and take your place.

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